Opening Remarks Presented by
Kemi Okenyodo, Executive Director, CLEEN Foundation

In all its manifestations,
migration is an important security factor for three important reasons: a) that
international migration exposes travelers to an array of specific security
challenges which they would not have otherwise faced in their places of regular
abode; b) communities to different security risk factors occasioned by the flow
of migrants within a given territory; c) the intersection between the migrant
and the locals are sometimes accompanied by crimes and criminality. Beyond
these and other challenges of migration, the world as we know it today depends
on migration to achieve the interspersing of cultures, goods, services and
West Africa is a migrating region
with migration routes and traditions dating to pre-colonial period when vast
empires and kingdoms coexisted across the lines that would later become the
national boundaries we face today. Beyond the historic legacies of migration,
the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has devoted much of its
40 year existence to promoting free movement of persons and goods across
national boundaries in West Africa. Unfortunately, the framework provided by
ECOWAS has not been fully utilized as regional travel remains plagued by
numerous challenges.
The CLEEN Foundation, benefited
from a grant support from the Open Society Foundations which enabled it to
conduct a study that seeks to probe the intersection between migration and
security and how these play out in the borders. Between 2013 and 2014 we
conducted interviews in seven international borders in the region. In the first
instance we followed the migration route cutting across Nigeria, Benin, Togo
and Ghana and then explored the corridors between landlocked Mali and Burkina
Faso with Cote d’Ivoire.
The study recognized that not all
border users are travelers, as such the sample size interviewed included
drivers, passengers, security agents amongst others. You will see in the review
of the findings that migration is big business in the region – there are more
people crossing national boundaries in the region on foot than those using
bicycles, perhaps this is indicative of the non-formal structure of migration I
mentioned earlier.
We are here today to share the
findings of our research with the hope that it would stimulate reflections and
discussions on the important topic of migration in our region. We hope that the
discussions here will benefit from the different discussions going on in your different
organisations and networks and also that the conclusions from here will go on
to enrich future discussions. It is our hope that arising from here, we would
continue to network and work together in the future. On our part, we have
developed from this study a rich dataset composed with responses of travelers
and border users in seven countries. We look forward to working with you to
further disseminate the findings amongst different stakeholders.
Summary of Key Findings
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