The Altus Police Station Visitors Week is here again! Within this week local community members all over the world will visit their local police stations to familiarize themselves and interactive with the police officers with the aim to identify good practices in the participating police stations that can be shared with other police stations in the country and beyond.
In Africa, participating countries include Benin, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Uganda. In Nigeria, the visit will take place in all police stations in Lagos, Imo and FCT- Abuja. This year’s visit is scheduled to take place from Monday 31st October – Sunday 6th November.
As part of the program activities, pre- visit training sessions will be organized for visitors at the respective locations as follows:
Lagos: 24th – 26th and 28th October
Owerri: Monday, 31st October
Abuja: Wednesday, 26th October
For further details please call Abena 08064415842 or Lanre 08033011765
CLEEN is a founding member of the Altus Gobal Alliance, an alliance of six international Non Governmental Organization working on criminal justice and policing issues.
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