Elections are a crucial part of
any democratic government and enable citizens to periodically determine who
should lead them at every level of government.
Several elections in Nigeria have been marred by violent activities
either during or post elections. Examples of this include the 2011 Presidential
Elections. Many political sociologists, both locally and internationally, have
argued that the greatest obstacle to democratic consolidation in Nigeria is
electoral violence which could take many forms; inter-party, intra-party,
ethno-religious, etc.
To better understand the mindset
of Nigerians in relation to the 2015 General Elections, the CLEEN Foundation in
collaboration with the NOI Polls and with funding support from the Open Society
Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) conducted the 2015 Election Perception
Survey. The project surveyed 5000 Nigerians across the 36 states and the
Federal Capital Territory as well as representing the 109 Senatorial Districts
in Nigeria. The survey provided a very useful opportunity for Nigerians to
reflect on their intention to participate in the 2015 elections and to outline
their perceptions on elections security as well as the level of preparedness
for the election.
Key findings:
of violence and intimidation in the build up to the election was relatively
low; Nigerians believe current levels of insecurity would not have direct
implications on the elections.
are oblivious of the growing challenge posed to their safety by the election.
of Nigerians sampled were concerned about violence and intimidation during the
2015 general elections.
senatorial districts recorded perception of violence which were significantly
higher than the neighbouring districts, suggesting that some threats are so
localized in some communities and does not affect the other areas.
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Hey, I like your post. The Election reasonability Poll demonstrated that the view of viciousness and intimidation in the development to the election was generally low. This demonstrates Nigerians are of the supposition that general and current levels of instability would not have direct ramifications on the elections.
Africa Media