Monday, 10 June 2013


The CLEEN Foundation with support from the Macarthur Foundation hereby invites you to a media briefing on the Commencement of the 2013 National Crime and Safety Survey in Nigeria.

The survey which has a sample size of 11,518 respondents who will be interviewed across the 36 states of Nigeria and Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory, is designed to measure the nature, extent and patterns of criminal victimization, public perceptions of safety and fear of crime, citizens attitude to criminal justice institutions such as the police, courts and other institutions and general governance assessment.

The objectives of the survey are to:

·         Provide credible and complementary source of information to official statistics on crime and safety collated by criminal justice institutions such as the Nigeria Police Force and courts.

·         Furnish policy makers in the justice system with the empirical evidence base for formulation of policies for the enhancement of citizens' safety and security as well as for better deployment of scarce security resources to areas of most need.

·         Give Nigerians the opportunity of participating in the determination of priority areas for attention in public safety, security and justice.

Date:           Wednesday, 12th June, 2013

Venue:       CLEEN Foundation Resource Center, 21 Akinsanya Street by Taiwo bust stop Ojodu

Time:          9.30 – 10.30 am prompt

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