Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Most Nigerians want fuel subsidy to continue

LAGOS, Nigeria, May 28 (UPI) -- The CLEEN Foundation NGO reported that most Nigerians want fuel subsidies to continue.

The data were contained in a national survey report it conducted in collaboration with Afrobarometer Network and Ghana's Center for Democratic Development.

The survey revealed that more than 60 percent of 2,400 respondents supporting continuing the subsidy, The Premium Times reported.

The report contained a darker allegation, accusing government officials of being "major beneficiaries" of the nation's fuel subsidy. CLEEN Foundation Executive Director Kemi Okenyodo said the survey indicated that 52 percent of respondents from 36 Nigerian states identified government officials as major beneficiaries of the fuel subsidy, The Premium Times reported.

Okenyodo added the survey also determined that anti-corruption bodies in Nigeria reported that governmental interference to their activities.

Okenyodo said 2,400 respondents were interviewed in their homes using personal face-to-face interview and multistage sampling technique for the survey, with a probability sampling procedure used to void any known form of bias that might have affected the findings of the study.

Despite the skewed benefits of the subsidies Okenyodo said while announcing the results, "62 percent of Nigerians say government should maintain the fuel subsidy."

Read more: http://www.upi.com/Business_News/Energy-Resources/2013/05/28/Most-Nigerians-want-fuel-subsidy-to-continue/UPI-61761369718340/#ixzz2Ua87Fb8t

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