Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Group trains community leaders on budget advocacy

An NGO, CLEEN Foundation, has commenced a “train the trainer” programme with the 20 communities in Aninri Local Government Area (LGA) of Enugu State on the issues of budget advocacy and good governance.
According to the organisation’s Acting Head of Owerri Office, Ifeanyi Anyanwu, is targeted at equipping town union leaders on the need to mobilise their communities to becoming part of budget processes towards realising desired development.
Anyanwu, in declaring open the programme, tagged 'Aninri Local Governance and Security Forum', regretted the development challenges facing communities round the country despite yearly budgetary allocations, and called on the communities to see themselves as part of the processes leading to the budget by getting involved more in it’s formulation, enactment, evaluation and budget tracking.
This, according to him would make for proper utilisation of public resources from the different tiers of government and greater benefits to the communities where projects are sited. He also urged ommunities to employ similar approach to projects originating from themselves to overcoming challenges of leadership prevalent in most communities and seen in numerous abandoned projects.
Ikechukwu Oji, of the Centre for Literacy and Leadership, in a paper presented at the programme, urged participants to get more involved in budget tracking so as to ensure transparency.
The participants, comprising of town unions leaders, women group leaders and youth leaders, commended CLEEN Foundation for the programme, saying it has made them realise that budgetary process is not only the preserve of those in government.

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