Monday, 18 February 2013

CLEEN Foundation Launches Corruption Reporting Website

ARTICLE | FEBRUARY 18, 2013 - 4:11PM | BY ENAKENO OJU A Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) CLEEN Foundation in collaboration with the Nigeria Police and the Canadian High Commission, today, launched anti-corruption website where Nigerians can report incidences of bribery and corruption among public workers. The website nicknamed (Ushahidi), is a platform through which cases of bribery and extortion by public officials can be monitored and reported by victims or witnesses. The executive director of CLEEN, Ms Kemi Okenyodo said the project is aimed at strengthening transparency, oversight and advocating appropriate sanctions for public officials found wanting in any capacity. "The public would be able to report corrupt public officials using their mobile phones to send sms, emails or make direct entries on the website, including upload of videos or photographs which provide evidences of such incidences. "The project involves the development and deployment of - an Ushahidi-based user friendly ICT platform through which cases of lower level bribes and extortion by public officials against the members of the public can be monitored and reported by victims and/or witnesses simply by using mobile phones to call, sinding text messages, emails or make direct entries on the website, including upload of videos or photographs which provides such evidences". Inspector General of Police (IGP) Mohammed Abubakar, represented by the DCP Interpol, Mr. Adeyemi Ogunjemilusi, said the project's goal is to ensure timely and regular reporting of incidences of bribery, extortion and corruption involving public functionaries, especially the police. "The ultimate is to reduce corruption to zero level imbibe best, international Policing practices and improve service delivery to all Nigerians. The Nigeria Police is ready to cooperate with all well meaning Nigerians to make police reform a reality," the IGP representative noted. Similarly, the Canadian High commissioner, Ambassador Chris Cooter, described Nigeria as a great country where corrupt public officials are undermining its growth through corruption. He affirmed that the anti-corruption website, which he said, was already in practice in many countries of the world, would ultimately impact greatly on the fight against corruption.


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